Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Letter to the Future President by SUBMEDIA

"I was going to do a totally different remix, but when I was combing through McCain and Obama speeches, they both reminded me of something I have heard before. So I went back to Bush's 2007 State of the Union and BAM! See for yourself. I have yet to hear McCain or Obama talk about public transport, consuming less, bicycles etc. etc. Who you gonna vote for now America?"-The Stimulator



Su said...

Have you read this interview?

It came into my mind as I saw this video


I really like Greenwald :)

Anonymous said...

They are going to vote for the candidate who will claim to save nature but without a price-tag to

In other words for an utopia as corporate world rules !!

Julie said...


Thanks for the link, I hadn't read that and I agree with him. I like Greenwald too, I'm on the email list for petitions.

You're right. Politicians aren't interested in solving the energy crisis, no money in it. Government and corporations are very short-sighted. All that matters is the bottom line each month. They are not interested the least bit about consequences or future generations.